
# Note to self

Dealing with rejection or failure can sometimes be quite a difficult thing. More so if its something you really want, or passionately believe in. Maybe you've just had a lot of wins and forgot what it means to fail.

It could be your company shutting down, going through a redundancy, a product or idea that just didn't pick up, or a failed interview at a company you really admire. Might be all of those!

# Embrace it

You may feel anxious or stressed out and that life sucks. You might have questions about yourself, and if you should really be doing what you are doing. Its ok to feel that way, its absolutely fine. Pray, or go for a run, or have a couple of margaritas (we don't judge!) or just chill out.

# Don't give up

Whatever you do, don't give up; go through your experience, embrace your failure and purposefully learn from it. You will be surprised how much easier it is to get up and get going again.